Dear Representative,
Thank you for your service in all that you do, in what is right and just according to your oath
of office. I as you,and I hope that we can agree that I want for my children and my childrens children a future
well above the standards of the situation that we as humanity face in the here and now. I believe that we are the
founding fathers and mothers of our childrens future and what we do today will define the world that they live in
tomorrow. It is with a heavy heart that I look upon this challenge and within myself and before the eyes of my God
that I ask the questions of myself. Have I kept true to my beliefs and honored my faith? Have I done justice to my
neighbors not just here but my world family as well across the pond? Have I laid before the children stepping
stones that will give them a smooth path into the future so that they to may pass that on? When I pass on into
where ever it is that we as humans go from here, will I leave behind positive footprints that will lead to a
better future for all of humanity? Have I treated my fellow man as I would like to have been treated myself? Have
I made a mark of lasting impression in the history of time that is worthy of the cause set before me by my forefathers
and mothers? Though in my belief no man can get into heaven by works alone,regardless of my own faith,
have I paved the road for others to follow into a better and safer way of life? Have I honored my mother for her
works and the gift of my life? Have I honored my father for his labors,Love and guiding hands and protecting me
from my own misdeeds? Have I honored my country and stayed true the path, of bringing peace,hope and love to all
those in need, that so many before me have fought and died to preserve? Have I achieved with my life what I set in
my heart as the cause that is just? Have I honored the memory's of all those whom sacrificed to give me this road
that I currently travel? Have I insured for the future generations the security of peace hope and freedom, That I
myself have enjoyed? As I look upon my own life and all the mistakes that I know that I have made, and I weigh all
my deeds from this brief life compared the the grand scale of time, have I touched a heart in a positive way,
that will send a ripple through the fabrics of time and bring about a world better than mine? I my friend can
never change my past nor can I go back and change my deeds. I can however from today and beyond send nothing but
positive ripples into this worlds pond. Im am with heavy heart reaching out to you in hopes that my words in your
heart ring so true. Tomorrow's world it starts with you! It isn't my place, to place any blame, it isn't my
intention to cause any shame, nor is my place to judge lest I be judged. I am nothing more than an average man,
you are my brothers and sisters from every land. I am from my nation offering my hand. Together with all our
difference shifted aside we can create a heaven on the earth that within we all reside. My ambitions in life my
hopes and my dreams my needs just the same I asking for peace in my Gods name. The children of this world in war
torn zones and poverty stricken makeshift homes, these are the future of all mankind and will carry our actions
to the end of time. let us together break these chains of the never ending cycle of destructive pains. Join with
me brothers and sisters in love, bring to this world the sounds, of hope peace and love that will ring from the
ground to the heavens above. It sounds fantastic like an unachieveable dream, can we get the world to agree on
one single thing? On this path that our nations are on, will the outcome be good? or shall we go down the abyss, a
sure path to destruction? I in my my heart mean you no harm, nor want for you the least of despair, this letter to
you my friend is to say that I care! This is my most profound letter of peace that comes from my heart to share with
you. Together we the people, there is nothing that we can not do, no problems to big, no person to small. Help, do this
for ourselves and our children most of all. So with all that said. You have heard me ask of my self am I worthy of the
challenge or does the dream go back on the shelf? We need each other, children need books, the hungry need food,
and the sick needing care. I my friend will stand on that front line, asking you from my heart will you join me there?
Peace and Love to the world! SHAZIZZ
Thank you for your service in all that you do, in what is right and just according to your oath
of office. I as you,and I hope that we can agree that I want for my children and my childrens children a future
well above the standards of the situation that we as humanity face in the here and now. I believe that we are the
founding fathers and mothers of our childrens future and what we do today will define the world that they live in
tomorrow. It is with a heavy heart that I look upon this challenge and within myself and before the eyes of my God
that I ask the questions of myself. Have I kept true to my beliefs and honored my faith? Have I done justice to my
neighbors not just here but my world family as well across the pond? Have I laid before the children stepping
stones that will give them a smooth path into the future so that they to may pass that on? When I pass on into
where ever it is that we as humans go from here, will I leave behind positive footprints that will lead to a
better future for all of humanity? Have I treated my fellow man as I would like to have been treated myself? Have
I made a mark of lasting impression in the history of time that is worthy of the cause set before me by my forefathers
and mothers? Though in my belief no man can get into heaven by works alone,regardless of my own faith,
have I paved the road for others to follow into a better and safer way of life? Have I honored my mother for her
works and the gift of my life? Have I honored my father for his labors,Love and guiding hands and protecting me
from my own misdeeds? Have I honored my country and stayed true the path, of bringing peace,hope and love to all
those in need, that so many before me have fought and died to preserve? Have I achieved with my life what I set in
my heart as the cause that is just? Have I honored the memory's of all those whom sacrificed to give me this road
that I currently travel? Have I insured for the future generations the security of peace hope and freedom, That I
myself have enjoyed? As I look upon my own life and all the mistakes that I know that I have made, and I weigh all
my deeds from this brief life compared the the grand scale of time, have I touched a heart in a positive way,
that will send a ripple through the fabrics of time and bring about a world better than mine? I my friend can
never change my past nor can I go back and change my deeds. I can however from today and beyond send nothing but
positive ripples into this worlds pond. Im am with heavy heart reaching out to you in hopes that my words in your
heart ring so true. Tomorrow's world it starts with you! It isn't my place, to place any blame, it isn't my
intention to cause any shame, nor is my place to judge lest I be judged. I am nothing more than an average man,
you are my brothers and sisters from every land. I am from my nation offering my hand. Together with all our
difference shifted aside we can create a heaven on the earth that within we all reside. My ambitions in life my
hopes and my dreams my needs just the same I asking for peace in my Gods name. The children of this world in war
torn zones and poverty stricken makeshift homes, these are the future of all mankind and will carry our actions
to the end of time. let us together break these chains of the never ending cycle of destructive pains. Join with
me brothers and sisters in love, bring to this world the sounds, of hope peace and love that will ring from the
ground to the heavens above. It sounds fantastic like an unachieveable dream, can we get the world to agree on
one single thing? On this path that our nations are on, will the outcome be good? or shall we go down the abyss, a
sure path to destruction? I in my my heart mean you no harm, nor want for you the least of despair, this letter to
you my friend is to say that I care! This is my most profound letter of peace that comes from my heart to share with
you. Together we the people, there is nothing that we can not do, no problems to big, no person to small. Help, do this
for ourselves and our children most of all. So with all that said. You have heard me ask of my self am I worthy of the
challenge or does the dream go back on the shelf? We need each other, children need books, the hungry need food,
and the sick needing care. I my friend will stand on that front line, asking you from my heart will you join me there?
Peace and Love to the world! SHAZIZZ